Holistic Business and Career Coach, Klaas De Waal provides workshops and lectures leaving participants with an experience they will not easily forget.
The CEO Workshop begins with Klaas taking the lead as CEO of a make-believe corporation in which all participants are employees. Using on-going role-plays participants examine everyday scenarios and issues from a different prospective, by never allowing disrespect, poor working conditions and hierarchies. All attendees are considered equal and important to the tasks and goals of the company. But more importantly, each person, in every level of employment, is considered sacred.
During this role-play experience, important concerns and issues will be addressed and become part of the new found agenda.
Drawing from the ancient words of the famous “Desiderata”:
- Keep interested in your career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortune of time.
- Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery.
- But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself.
Join business and career people like yourself and learn:
- How important and karmic your position really is…
- How you are a key to someone else’s success…
- How you are given this important task for a far greater reason then just your business success…
- How you can give employees sufficient salaries, keep profits healthy and live to tell about it…
- How you can be a leader that is remembered for kindness and true caring…
- Learn to be a Holistic Owner / Manager and create a meaningful business future.
- Invite Klaas De Waal for this unique workshop experience or as your motivational speaker for your next event.
The CEO Board Room Experience can be presented as a short course or workshop and organized as a virtual or on-site event at your place of business or organization at any location in the USA.